I am hungry, for the mom’s food,
At times left in tantrums being rude;
I want to be woken up in morning by my father,
Wanting two more minutes, than waking up rather;
I miss the bus stop and the bus to school,
Which was skipped,to prove I am a dude cool;
I want to steal chocolates from my sister cupboard,
A lot I have, but no one to share them on board;
I wish to draw the bicycle ride along the railway line,
Just be free like growing years moving like beeline;
I yearn for those class tests which gave me shiver,
Having those goose-bumps and that naughty fever;
I long for intrusion in late eve game, the calling tone,
Which I now hear with same warmth over the phone;
I wish, I want; I yearn and long for the life gone,
When I wished to be here and now wish for gone;
I see ‘Adee’ doing some what I did and doing all this one day,
Moving ahead and growing, smiling and missing gone someday...
PS: Adee is my elder nephew